Friday, September 18, 2015

Finding my mojo?

Hello again, friends...

It has been quite a long time since I've posted on this blog. (Yikes, March!!)  I think that's because I had been using this forum to try and find an outlet or a path for my photography. And now I seem to have found it.

I now have a contract with Design Pics, a Canadian stock photography company that has partnerships with other stock companies all over the world. I can submit any images I want as long as they fall within their guidelines, and so far my track record is that they have accepted about a third of what I submit. Once on their sites anyone can buy the use of my images and I receive royalties.

It's a perfect way for me to share my work and helps to give my shooting more of a focus... no pun intended!!

Here are a few examples of some travel images that have been accepted by Design Pics...

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